Try it and buy it
API is bringing back our popular Try It and Buy It program to support new customers who are evaluating Laser Tracker technology!

Right now, eligible customers can use Radian Plus, vProbe, and/or iScan3D in their facility for up to two weeks for free*!
Once you try API, you won’t want to buy from anyone else.
Skip equipment lead times and get right to work in your shop.
A turnkey Laser Tracker comes complete with:
Tracker Stand- full size 41-57″ or short size 28-37″
Laptop Computer + Measuring Software
Tracker Tool Kit
API Technical Support
Optional vProbe

*Terms and Conditions
1) Offer only valid on list-price equipment. May not be combined with any additional offers or discounts.
2) Radian comes with API’s standard 2-year warranty. Upgrade to 5 Year, Zero Cost of Ownership Warranty available.
3) TiBi offer requires a signed rental agreement and conditional purchase agreement.
4) Customers not moving forward with purchase at the end of trial period may be liable for rental fees in accordance with length of trial period.
5) Price and terms may vary by region.