Employee Profile: Natalia Pirro

18 July 2023 · 2 min read

Who could you share this with?

Natalia Pirro

Name:   Natália Pirro     

Position: General Manager, South America     

Years with the company: 7 years

What was your childhood like?

I have so many memories of me and my cousins playing at Grandma’s house. There were 8 of us, all around the same age, who went to the same school. On weekends, we all went to my Grandma’s to play and sleep over.

Who was a hero to you growing up? Why?

It’s hard to pick just one person, but definitely my father and mother. They taught me how to act, that we need to work hard to achieve our goals, to be respectful, and to never give up!

What are your hobbies?

My favorite hobbies are surfing, being with my family, math and exercising. I love to spend time with my auntie!

How did you end up in metrology? Did you go to school for it?

I started working at API in the Administrative Department, and I’ve loved it since the beginning. It’s challenging and different from other companies. I started studying the products to improve my skills in metrology, and I’ve been working my way up since.

What are your roles and responsibilities with API?

My principal responsibility is to keep our team working in the best way: lead the team, connect all the departments, and provide a safe and productive environment. As General Manager for South America, we need to be focused on results, growth of the market and strategic planning as well, but this only happens when the whole team is engaged.

What sets API apart from other metrology companies in your mind?

The environment of the company, and the belief in our products. To me, we have the best products on the market. And we all work together with the same intention: to give the best solution to our customers.

What API Product or Service are you most excited to tell people about?

Our CEO is the inventor of Laser Tracker, and our MTC products are beyond better than our competitors. The feedback we receive from customers is always positive. And API Services is always working to get the best solution to our customers, no matter what the challenge is, even when we have to climb all over a submarine.

What about API’s future excites you?

The improvements to our solutions and the company itself. We are growing every year, and to be a part of it, to see and compare 7 years ago to now, has been, professionally speaking, a blast.

What does “Nothing Beyond Measure” mean to you?

For me it means the best solution! We will find the best solution and application for our customers. Nothing is impossible or so difficult that we won’t be able to provide a solution with good results.


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