EMEA Network of Resellers
API is Globally Local.
API is a world leader on coordinate measurement solutions. Leading the metrology industry through automation, precision, and innovation, API products are used by many of the world’s leading automotive, aerospace, machine tool, and CMM manufacturers.
With offices throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia, as well as a network of EMEA Resellers you will be served globally local by real metrologists.
Belgium | API France + Belgium www.apimetrology.com/fr |
Bulgaria | Top Metrology SRL www.topmetrology.ro/ |
Croatia | HIWE SQS www.hiwe-sqs.com.hr/ |
Czech Republic | Topmes s.r.o. www.topmes.cz/ |
Czech Republic | Alwaid www.alwaid.cz/ |
Denmark | Kvejborg ApS kvejborg.dk/ |
Europe | API www.apimetrology.com/ |
Finland | MLT Machine & Laser Technology Oy mltfinland.fi |
France | API www.apimetrology.com/fr |
Germany | API www.apimetrology.com/de |
Great Britain | OR3D Ltd www.or3d.co.uk/ |
Greece | JGC www.jgc.gr/ |
Hungaria | TRIGO www.trigo-group.com |
Israel | Applied Technologic Service ltd. www.ats.co.il/ |
Italy | Microservice S.r.l. www.micro3d.it/ |
Italy | COORD3 www.coord3.com/ |
Lebanon | Mena 3D www.mena3d.com/ |
Morocco | Mena 3D www.mena3d.com/ |
North Africa | Mena 3D www.mena3d.com/ |
Norway | MLT Maskin og Laserteknikk AS www.mltnorge.no |
Poland | Smart Solutions www.smart-solutions.pl/ |
Portugal | NM3D www.nm3diberica.com/ |
Qatar | Mena 3D www.mena3d.com/ |
Romania | Top Metrology SRL www.topmetrology.ro/ |
Russia | Neva Technology www.nevatec.ru/ |
Serbia | Adames www.adames.rs/ |
South Africa | Alignment with Laser www.awlaser.co.za/ |
Spain | HIWE SQS www.hiwe-sqs.com.hr/ |
Spain | NM3D www.nm3diberica.com/ |
Sweden | LK Scandinavia AB www.lksab.xyz/ |
Turkey | Instro Endüstriyel Ölcüm Ürünleri Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi www.instro.com.tr/ |
United Arab Emirates | SELTEC www.seltecuae.com/ |
United Arab Emirates | Mena 3D www.mena3d.com/ |
United Kingdom | OR3D www.or3d.co.uk/ |