Employee Profile Carsten Schulte

18 July 2023 · 2 min read

Who could you share this with?

Carsten Schulte

Name: Carsten Schulte       

Position:  Manager Measurement Services           

Years with the company: 5 

1) What was your childhood like? 

As a child, I was always interested in technical things. Finding out why something worked the way it did and improving it was the greatest thing for me. Since I was on my own early on, I simply took apart everything I found. 

2) Who was a hero to you growing up? Why? 

I never had a particular person as a hero. Everyone who taught me something I was interested in was a hero to me. 

3) What are your hobbies? 

My hobbies are time with family, cars, construction, 3D printing, and tinkering with things in my hobby cellar. 

4) How did you end up in metrology? Did you go to school for it? 

It was an absolute career changer. I came to measurement technology by chance 18 years ago through a friend. In 2012, I trained as a measurement technician at the DGQ in Heidelberg. In 2015, I became a quality management consultant and internal auditor at the DGQ in Hamburg. 

5) How did you come to be at API? 

Jan Lott saw my credentials and reached out to me via Xing (a German social media network) with an opportunity. 

6) What are your roles and responsibilities with API? 

I am responsible for, and have led, the EMEA Measurement Service Department since I joined API. 

7) What sets API apart from other metrology companies in your mind? 

We have shorter pathways to the customer, not so much bureaucracy. We MAKE things, instead of just thinking or talking about them. We are solution-oriented for our customers; that is our strength. 

8) What API Product or Service are you most excited to tell people about? 

For me, it is clearly about our Smart Factory Information System (SFIS) and its integration. 😉 

It is a real team product from Sales and Service, and, for our customers, it is the solution in automated production. 

9) What about API’s future excites you? 

That together we can create great things. Our team spirit is really unique. 

10) What does “Nothing Beyond Measure” mean to you? 

Nothing is more important than measuring. You can only produce as well and as accurately as you can measure. 

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