Employee Profile – Grégory Levo

18 July 2023 · 3 min read

Who could you share this with?

Grégory Levo

Name : Grégory Levo          

Position : Application Engineer            

Years with the company: 7

1) What was you childhood like?

I grew up in the South of France; my father was the head of a mechanical workshop, and my mother was at home. They each taught me values, such as hard work from my father and respect from my mother.

2) Who was a hero to you growing up? Why?

That is a good question. Being a fan of motorsports, I can say my 2 heroes are still Ayrton Senna and also Valentino Rossi because these 2 drivers still represent perfection, mastery and a touch of madness.

3) What are your hobbies?

Motorsports, or car racing, which I practice from time-to-time when I can.

4) How did you get into metrology? Did you go to school for it?

I studied Mechanics with a BTS in Production Engineering. Then I started at a mechanics company at the bottom of the ladder, cutting bars pre-manufacturing. I was curious and ambitious, so I participated in the Assembly of Mechanical Assemblies, which helped me master plan reading and mechanical knowledge. A job opened in the control department, and I was able to join them and manage the newly purchased CMM. I owe a big thank you to my boss at that time who took a risk offering me that job.

5) How did you come to be at API?

The story is a bit long. After having worked for a few different companies, Remi Attal contacted me because he was looking for someone to perform customer demos. I remembered that Rémi had once travelled 500 km overnight to help me out, and I thought that API was the company that shared the same vision of customer service as me. I met Marc Keinert, the director, who turned out to also be a fan of motorsports.

6) What are your roles and responsibilities at API?

Today, I am on a team of engineers which includes Romain Pawlowski and Sébastien Verguet. Together, we share the same values and our working relationship is really nice and very close.

7) What sets API apart from other metrology companies in your mind?

My priority is total customer satisfaction because a satisfied customer is a returning customer. That’s why we listen to the customer’s comments and adapt to their needs. Simply giving a measurement report to a customer who has no knowledge of metrology is meaningless. We try to stand out by explaining our reports in order to make them understandable to people who have no metrology training. Reactivity and flexibility are also our strong points because we know that there can be risks during production or on site. We try to be as available as possible according to the customer’s schedule.

8) What API Product or Service are you most excited to tell people about?

I would say it’s my first API TII tracker (serial number 3223) with which I started all of my on-site measurements. It may be stupid, but it has a sentimental value because thanks to it a fabulous story started and continues. Today, I use a Radian PRO with Metrolog X4, and it’s a package that works perfectly.

9) What about API’s future excites you?

There are always new challenges coming up, and I look forward to being an active player in them. Keep moving forward.

10) What does “Nothing Beyond Measure” mean to you?

For me, I would have put “beyond measure” because for me measurement does not stop at the service, but it is also people, meetings, exchanges, skills, experience, and, especially, good times shared.

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