Employee Profile: Jens Pursche

18 July 2023 · 2 min read

Who could you share this with?

Jens Pursche

Name: Jens Pursche                       

Position: Sales Manager Germany                     

Years with the company: 2

1) What was your childhood like?

I was born in 1971 and grew up with my parents and my brothers and sisters in Bremen in the north of Germany.

2) Who was a hero to you growing up? Why?

Hero is an irritating term. There were and still are people who inspire me through their actions, attitudes and ideas.

3) What are your hobbies?

My greatest hobby is fencing. Since my youth I have been active in fencing and still take part in many national and international épée fencing competitions. In addition, I run my own club in Bremen and have been working as a successful coach for many years. I also like to travel, and I am intensively engaged in photography.

4) How did you end up in metrology? Did you go to school for it?

I studied surveying and have worked in many areas of surveying and have always had contact with industrial surveying

5) How did you come to be at API?

I came to API through a headhunter. He approached me at a time when I myself was looking for a new exciting challenge, which I found.

6) What are your roles and responsibilities with API?

Together with my team, I am responsible for the sales activities and strategies of API in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Denmark.

7) What sets API apart from other metrology companies in your mind?

Clearly, the history and the innovative power. Our CEO, Dr. Kam Lau, invented the Laser Tracker and with this we have the longest and greatest competence in laser measurement technology.

8) What API Product or Service are you most excited to tell people about?

Our Radian Laser Tracker.

9) What about API’s future excites you?

API has been pursuing a fantastic global growth strategy for years, which is being consistently implemented. In addition, there are many interesting product developments, which I am very much looking forward to.

10) What does “Nothing Beyond Measure” mean to you?

“Nothing Beyond Measure” means that API does not only think about products. A good measurement solution always consists of the appropriate hardware and software, but also with the support of our service team. Here the customer with his individual needs is the focus of our consideration.

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