Employee Profile: Joshua Simonis

12 July 2023 · 2 min read

Who could you share this with?

Joshua Simonis

Name: Joshua Simonis

Position: Application Engineer

Years with the company: 1 

1) What was your childhood like? 

My childhood was quite carefree. I was in nature a lot, had time and support to try things that interested me and explore the neighborhood with friends. 

2) Who was a hero for you in your childhood? Why? 

To me, there is no such thing as a hero. But there were and are very formative people in my family and my environment. All of them motivated me to get to the bottom of things, to question things, and to find my own solutions. 

3) What are your hobbies? 

I like to be outdoors and in motion, which is especially evident when hiking, but also when working in the garden at home. I also like to play a few sports to keep fit. 

4) How did you end up in measurement technology? Did you have any special training for it? 

I came to metrology by chance, but still as a student. There was a (land) surveyor at our house who was looking for boundaries for a plot of land. I talked to him a bit and was fascinated. I quickly decided to do an internship and take a closer look at surveying and measurement technology. After I graduated from high school, I went on to study classical surveying. 

5) How did you come to API? 

I came to API through my master’s thesis. I really wanted to write my thesis at a company in order to have more practical relevance. This collaboration gave me my first insights into API. Because I liked the team, the cooperation, and the measurement technology, I was hoping to expand and intensify this cooperation. 

6) What are your tasks and responsibilities at API? 

As an Application Engineer, I perform measurement services for customers, but I am also the contact person for all kinds of problems related to measurement. 

7) What do you think sets API apart from other measurement companies? 

The working environment and my colleagues really set API apart. Our customers always have a contact person with whom they can talk openly and directly. At the same time, they also have enough freedom to do things differently and try out new things. 

8) Which product or service from API do you most like to tell interested parties about? 

Definitely API’s Laser Trackers and working with them on the day-to-day business of an AE. For me, the Laser Tracker is more of a classic measurement instrument, but its high precision and flexible applications make it the basis of fast, accurate, and reliable measurement services. 

9) What about your vision of the API future excites you? 

The diverse and interesting experiences and insights that come from working at API, as well as the collaboration and exchange with our customers. Especially through people who are not so close to measurement technology in their profession, this often results in an interesting and profitable exchange for both sides. 

10) What does “Nothing Beyond Measure” mean to you?

Measured values create clarity, measured values create certainty. With the right measurement, correlations become visible that you did not see before. With our services, we help things see things as they really are and not as they seem to be.

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