Employee Profile: Robert Murray

12 July 2023 · 2 min read

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Robert Murray

Name: Robert Murray

Position: South West Regional Manager

1) What was your childhood like?

My childhood was filled with love and adventure. I spent summers exploring city streets and playing with my friends in the neighborhood. I was blessed to have a supportive family and a safe environment to just be a worry-free kid.

2) Who was a hero to you growing up? Why?

My dad was my hero growing up and continues to be to this day. My dad has been there for me at a moment’s notice. He has given me everything I need in life to succeed. He has been there for me when things were difficult. Everyone deserves to have a parent like my dad in their life.

3) What are your hobbies?

I love to hike, read, and spend time with my family. I am a huge fan of the Ravens, Capitols, Orioles, and Virginia Tech.

4) How did you end up in metrology? Did you go to school for it?

I graduated from Virginia Tech as a mechanical engineer in 2015 with very limited metrology knowledge. I started in metrology at BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair. The engineering department was starting to integrate Laser Trackers into production work for combat systems alignment.

5) How did you come to be at API?

I first heard of API when we bought a new Radian at BAE Systems in 2019. I met Chris Baker and we hit it off. After a couple of missed opportunities, I finally came onboard this year.

6) What are your roles and responsibilities with API?

I am responsible for the southwest region. I assist current and potential customers at all stages of their purchase. Using my practical metrology knowledge, I help them solve and integrate metrology solutions.

7) What sets API apart from other metrology companies in your mind?

API stands apart from other metrology companies by making their vast knowledge and expertise available to every customer. API is committed to seeing every customer succeed. Our engineering team and our production team are right here in the USA. Our support extends to local offices with technical support across the globe.

8) What API Product or Service are you most excited to tell people about?

Right now, I am the most excited about our SmartTrack Sensor. It opens a world of possibilities for robot calibration and for real-time robot positioning during use.

9) What about API’s future excites you?

I am excited to see the continued innovation coming out of APIHQ. The release of our Dynamic 9D LADAR system proves that there are still major technological advances to come in the world of metrology.

10) What does “Nothing Beyond Measure” mean to you?

Nothing Beyond Measure is more than just a catchy slogan. It embodies the belief that there is no challenge that we can’t meet here at API.

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