Employee Profile

Dr.Lau Q & A

Dr.Lau Q & A 1) Is there anything that surprises you about metrology technology today? As far as the tech is concerned, I don’t think so. API is one of the companies that has set the technology trend. For instance, 10, 15 years ago, I anticipated non-contact...

The Birth Of API

The Birth Of API “I’ll know when it’s time for me to retire,” Dr. Kam Lau says with a laugh. “I will retire one day when someone says, ‘Kam, your idea is too old.’ That’s the sign I should leave.” It’s a statement that could sound arrogant coming from someone else....

Employee Profile: Jan-Hendrik Lott

Jan-Hendrik Lott Name:     Jan-Hendrik Lott         Position:  General Manager EMEA           Years with the company: 11.5 1) What was your childhood like? I was born in 1981, and I grew up with my parents and my older sister in my home city of Karlsruhe in southwest...

Employee Profile: Alejandro Restrepo

Alejandro Restrepo 1) Tell me your name and your position at API. Alejandro Restrepo, South West Regional Sales Manager 2) What was your childhood like? I was born and grew up here in Southern California in the mid-90s. I also spent some time living in Columbia. I am...